This tutorial will show you how to make your Arcemu server public so that other people can play on it. I got pretty tired of seeing bad tutorials on how to make a server public so i made my own
Step One
The first thing you need to do is make a DNS for your server. This will hide your server's IP address in a sub domain, for example, if my server's IP address was 32.453.65.56, I could make a DNS so that my server could be accessed through You can skip this step if you want but it is not recommended, if you decide to skip it, your server will be located at your IP address.
Go to DynDNS and create an account. Then go here and choose a host name (this will be the address people use to get to your server) and click “Use auto detected IP address” in the IP address section, then click create host. I would also reccomend downloading the DynDNS Updater at
Step Two
In this step we will forward the ports that Ascent uses so that it can be accessed from outside your local network. This step is only necessary if you have a router, if you don’t have one, skip this step.
If you do not know how to forward ports, go to this page and find your router, it will tell you there.
You need to forward these ports:
3727 (this is for voice chat, it is optional)
80 (this is for apache/your website)
Step Three
In this step we will setup our realms configuration which is the final step needed to make our server public.
Now to setup your realms configuration. Go to your ArcEmu folder and open realms.conf with notepad. Scroll down to the bottom, this is the important bit:
Address = "DNS You made at DynDNS:8129"
Icon = "Normal"
Colour = "1"
Population = "1.0"
TimeZone = "1">
It should look like this:
Step Four
Here we're going to edit your host file which is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
When you open it, it will look pretty empty, this is what you have to do.
(Remove the quotes of course)The internal ip can be found at
Default/Standard Gateway or Ipv4-Adress which you can see at the picture.
External IP can be found at What Is My IP Address? - IP Address Lookup, Internet Speed Test, IP Info, plus more
Final Notes
Your server is now public, make sure your server is actually running so people can get on it! Also disable any firewalls you have on otherwise it will not work. For people to access the server they need to change their realmlists to your server address which you made at DynDNS. This is also the address that they need to use in order to get on the server website. If you're connecting locally your realmlist should be
This is how the Realm.cnf is suppose to look like:
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